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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 12-9-2003 at 4:17am
Current mood: chipper
Music: dust on the bottem- murphy david lee
im worn out with school. i hate it, i wanna quit and just get my ghd and do it all at home and not have to worry about goin back to the hell hole. but no. have to put on a happy face and sit and pay attintion to the dame teachers and write notes upon endless notes about shit that your not ever going to use. but hey! do our parents care that we hate school? nope. cuz they " had to walk to school when the snow was up to their chins". so what do we know? were just little things that popped out of our mothers. ok so yea. i dont have to have a hysterectamine cuz i have no cancer. yea ok well thats always a better thing to turn my mind too i suppose. well i have to go and do can u guess? yup HOMEWORK. ahh i HATE school!
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12-09-03 9:58pm

Hey now! What happened to the "Only 2 weeks" happy gp lucky attitude I heard earlier?

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