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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 11-6-2002 at 6:36pm
Current mood: okay
I'm scared of the world right now. Well, not exactlly the world, but more like what it's going to do to me. I don't know if I want the fate that befalls me, or has yet to befallen, but I don't know if there is anything I can do to change it. I'm scared b/c of auditions for band. I didn't do as good as I could on purpose, I don't know why, maybe my fear of becoming a part of something that I know I'm not ready to handle when everybody else says I am. I"m afraid of the people who call me their friend b/c all they do is lie, and for once, unbeknownst to them, i got even. I'm scared for myself. Things have never been like this. I'm losing all sense of joy and wonder and living on jagged parts of hours which seem to pass by with no concern of thought. I have no light in my day, well, maybe except A Friend. But, is it worth it when you have to worry about becoming what you know you can, but don't want to? The tides are changing, hopefully for the better. My mom keeps asking me why I've been so quiet. I didn't know I had. Being by yourself isn't dangerous if you are ok. I think she thinks I'm depressed. In health we are talking about suicide and mental disorders.. How ironic.
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EH, 11-06-02 7:04pm


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umm, 11-13-02 8:31am

Don't be who your not, I am who I am, and I know I can be pretty weird, but people like me for who I am, not who I pretend to be. i will always be a true friend, no matter who you are.

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