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Rina (profile) wrote, on 12-10-2003 at 6:11pm | |
Current mood: ecstatic Music: Brand New.. Ana, im seriously burning you this cd Subject: Aye, Avast! |
haha. today was superfantastic great. totally spifforific. :D i was extremely joyful first and second period. In first period me, carolyn and carrie talked. well not carolyn.. she lost her voice. me and carrie were crackin on her lmao!! anyways.. carrie made these hats out of a dollar bill. since they looked like pirate hats, we decided to put happy faces on our fingers. Carrie ended up having Jack Sparrow on her finger, the bandana and all. it was really funny. i had will turner on mine. he had hair and a ridiculously huge smile. If anyone asked me a question, i would say 'Aye, Avast!' Carrie just said random quotes like 'no one. he's no one. a distant cousin of my aunt's nephew twice removed. lovely singing voice though. eunuch.' and 'and really bad eggs.. drink up me 'arties, yo ho'. it was extremely hilarious, but i was a bit drunk on happiness. we also put spanish moss in this one girl's purse who we really dislike. she's super tacky.. even ana hates her. hahaha. i dont think she found it though.. second period was quite funny. Me and ana tried to make more tiles. it was really funny because this huge ass piece of canvas was covering the whole back of the room. we had to go under the clay thing to make a slab. hahaha. fuun. anyways.. we were listening to beyonce (no, it wasnt our choice.. i wanted to throw the computer across the room) :D and there were some comments made and i said 'i'd rather be with my finger' (since, of course, it was totally rockin with it's hat) and *cough* she took it the wrong way. it was spifforific. :D :D :D it was raining when we were walking from the center, so we left a minute early. me and carrie went the way carolyn usually goes and i kept saying aye, avast! to everything she said. it was funny because mark came out and i was like 'will tuuuurnerrrr' and looked at me like i was crazy. i really hope that kid dies someday. not like how im plotting keifers death. this is different. ill explain someday when i have more time. maybe a little later tonight. third period was lame. blaaaaah. we got a new piece of music. fourth period.. a christman miracle happened. i was in math, and was like ' whoa, this is majorly boring' and i had the worst thought in the world. i started thinking 'i wish i was in 5th period' DO YOU KNOW WHAT FIFTH PERIOD IS?! ITS BIOLOGY! IM FUCKING CRAZY!! but, it just so happens that fifth period wasn't that bad. no quiz :D i got to take lame notes. at lunch, i found out that lindsay got Pirates of the Caribbean. I am going to go to her house when she is at soccer and steal it hahahaha. ;D just kidding.. i'll just head over to her place when i feel like drooling over an inanimate object (the tv dipshit). sixth period we had a sub ( YAY!!!!) and we worked on the dialogue thing again. i was laughing almost the whole time.. at lisa lmao. she didnt know what 'procrastinate' meant. holy shit she is the most hilarious person i know. and its not just her 'large' vocabulary usage either. its just the stuff that happens to come out of her mouth at exactly the right time to make it funny. :D in seventh period i was talking to melissa again! :D we talked about.. i dunno, it was a complete variety of stuff actually.. about eli, guitars, some kid, and... other stuff. it was really funny though. we took a typing test. we were allowed one error and had to type over 35 words a minute. hahaha. i passed. neener neener neeeeneerrrrrr.... SECTIONALS! sectionals were today. i thought they would be boring but they were so fucking hilarious. isnt that right kelly? yea, well... we were with mr. bennett today so that's half the reason right there. on the new song we got, kelly forgot to number the music (we were sharing a stand) and mr. bennett was like 'lets start at measure [insert random number here]' she numbered it really fast and when he said to start at measure 39, we didnt play because everyone was playing something different. the situation was ever so funny already and we were talking about it and i was so confused. i pointed like 'were supposed to start up here' and mr. bennett was like 'whats so interesting? are you guys watching the superbowl or something?' i laughed so hard. kelly numbered an eight measure rest as on measure. there were other incidents that i dont have time to explain, but believe me.. it was funny. maybe only some form of band person could understand that, but i thought it was a real kneeslapper. :D after that i had to go 5 million places with my mom and i got home at.. what? 5:30? who knows... but i got burger king, so that kicked. bio awaits me *Rina |
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xodancer24 | haha, 12-13-03 12:26am heyy pirates of the carribean is a great movie.. ive only seen the first half.. i was jw if i had an icon?? it should be a really really hot guy from the oc named i cant figure out how 2 get it so if its not there can u show me how 2 put it on |
Rina | Re: haha, 01-26-04 2:46pm :) |