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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 12-10-2003 at 8:27pm
Current mood: slightly annoyed w/ a hint of amusment
Music: My playlist
Subject: People suck.
Today kinda sucked from the very start. The shirt I was gonna' wear was refusing to dry so I waited to the last second to change my mind about wearing it and got a different one. Then I had no time to put in my contacts which sucked cuz I'm really not incredibly fond of my glasses. I was still pretty ticked off at my entire family from last night and I looked like crap. So yea that was fun. Then all day I was pretty bored... the highlight of my day was actually English class (that never happens). I thought my day was gonna' get better when I talked to my friend whom I haven't talked to in 3 whole days even tho I see him quite a bit everyday. But no, of course not. He actually made me even more mad because of his cocky and evil attitude. And to top off the day, the bus ride home. I HATE my bus deeply. The people are SO stupid. There are these three 7th graders that think they are all that and that they're little thugs, but they're not!! So today one of them started a fight w/ a guy that's my semi-friend but all they did was threaten to beat each other up so I told them to do it. I told them that a fight would be fun to see so they should go ahead and do it. But they wouldn't and when I asked them why the one who started the fight said that he didn't want to get in more trouble for starting a fight and I told him he was scared... he refused to admit it but by the time I was done he decided it would be best to shut up for the rest of the ride. Thank the lord for that.

Have you ever noticed that everyone is really quite annoying. My friends, tho I love them all to the depths of my soul, are major drama queens. One is trying to steel the other's crush and go out w/ him which makes those 2 fight constantly. One is just constantly pissed off at the world... sometimes I agree that people suck but there are definetly times that I just want to tell her to shut the heck up cuz the world does not change to fit what you want. I know I can be drama queenish sometimes but I apologize deeply for any instance in which this has happened because I really try hard not to do so. Even my family is full of drama queens. Last night I was not at all happy cuz we went to Sam's Club and I was forbidden to just sleep in the car while they shopped (I was VERY tired) and when I tried to rush them cuz I wasn't done w/ my homework they said I should've gotten it done b4 we left!! The whole trip wasn't planned until 5 minutes b4 we left... no one told my I wasn't gonna' be home to do my homework when I normally do!! AGH!! Well anyway I'll go now and stop boring you w/ my "issues". Later my friendly people. Buh-bye now.
Love u.
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12-11-03 2:51pm

ur not a drama queen Jekyll...really u aren't. and the whole homework thing happens to me constantly lol. i feel ur pain...really i do. :D:D

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12-11-03 3:38pm

Heh, I know how you feel, mostly.

Am I the one that's always pissed off at the world? Meh, I won't blow up and become all bitchy if I am. ( ;

- J U S T I N E -

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