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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 11-9-2002 at 12:14am
Atlantic vs. Olympic Heights 24-7
we're 10-0.. the perfect season.

Tonight was kind of depressing... Because of ... how can I say this, prior comittments? I have really fucked up potential relationships. Matt.. well Matt's a different story but Shane.. I think I've royally fucked that one up. He looked soooo good tonight it was ridiculous. He was wearing these very "emo" glasses and had on the tuba baret and I swear if he was wearing that sexy sexy sweater I think i woulda just raped him on the spot :0P You see.. this all sounds fine and dandy but no. He spent the whole night with Sam... GRRRR!!! A week ago and that woulda been just ME and now its not :0( Ashley says hes just doing it to make me jealous and he still likes me but I don't know... I think i'm going to call him tomorrow & c if hes going to the Halloween party.. I really hope he is...

After the game we went 2 Fridays where lots of people were. It was fun, we just hung out. On the way home Ash & I had the top down & we saw these two really cute guys at the stop light. One was in a white eclipse and the other was on a motorcycle type thing. We got smiles and waves :0) Its fun getting attention from cute boys :0P Now i'm home. It's 12:20... my bday :0) heh Vivi = dorko so yes.. get over it.

Thank you Kevy Wevy... you are my world <3
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11-09-02 12:30am

ok yeah so i lied... that wasn't the end of my journal... I really thought about it today and how would killing one of things I enjoy most in life benefit me right now? My journal is a document of my life... kinda like Clara's notebooks... haha TRUE IB DORK!!!! Seriously though... the past 7 months are encased in this website and No reason to end it for a stupid situation. Soooo... plainmornings lives on. That's it.

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11-09-02 10:09am

sam... that would be the trumpet right? aww. come on vivi. don't worry. sam isn't going for shane - she says she doesnt like anyone. lmao. cute guys are always good. (sigh) gotta find some guy for me...

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de-ja-vu (sp?), 11-09-02 11:28am


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Re: de-ja-vu (sp?), 11-09-02 6:15pm

lol its not my bday... 12:20 <- December 20th thats my bday :0)

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Re: Re: de-ja-vu (sp?), 11-09-02 7:16pm

good then i didn't forget it.....................yet :P

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11-09-02 11:50am

zac = single emo kid
vivi = single emo chick
must i say more :(

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11-09-02 12:08pm

it is against ALL aUthority.

happy birthday,you are ugly.
nice picture in jerry and bens, ugly.
you are ugly.

(reply to this)


11-09-02 12:09pm

it is against ALL aUthority.

happy birthday,you are ugly.
nice picture in jerry and bens, ugly.
you are ugly.

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Re:, 11-09-02 1:49pm

Right, so who wants to take bets on anonymous-san?

Obviously, there're of low intelligence and common sense. I'm betting it's an IB kid.

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Re: Re:, 11-09-02 1:50pm

Speaking of low intelligence and IB...I believe I spelled that wrong, it's "they're". Blargh. Too fucking early in the morning for grammar.

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