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| SeraphimRhapsody (profile) wrote, on 12-13-2003 at :58pm |
Current mood: exhausted Music: Santa's Parade Subject: Spin the Bottle
Keiko (aka Willy) died today from pneumonia. It's so sad. He was 27, older than most captives but younger than most free by about 8 years. He was in captivity having not adjusted to freedom and the people there say he passed on quickly.
Throw a rose to the waves in tribute..
Why does that work awkwardly?
Santa's Parade today.. It went well I guess. I had a good time. Lot's of compliments, some missed opportunities, bit of dizziness. If only the others would learn their parts... -.- And decorate their drums! Hmph. It'll be a requirement next year.
Melissa's 18th birthday today. Had fun their too but we were all soo tired.
With love..
Question ot Day
Do you play an instrument? What and why did you choose to play it? If not, what do you want to play and why? |
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DragonSpeaker | 12-14-03 12:45am Spin the Bottle, eh?! What's all this about?
Aww, didn't know that about everyone's favorite orca. Very sad story, all comes of humans interfering with nature. Bastards. I mean...
It'll be a requirement next year.
'Bout time!
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SeraphimRhapsody | Re:, 12-14-03 12:52am All in fun. I decided I would use it as a fun title to see the reactions.
Bastards indeed. They tried to fix it though... horrible people in Mexico (?) in that awful pen he was kept in..
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DragonSpeaker | Re: Re:, 12-14-03 12:56am Haha, I was wondering there.
Mexico's waters would probably be way too warm for an orca, so that would make it doubly cruel if that's where they kept him. They did try to set him free, but he was much too old to suddenly learn an entirely new way of life.
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DragonSpeaker | Dude, it's 12:33., 12-14-03 12:46am Now that I have just seen that there IS a QotD...
HAHA, of course!
Fluuuute. I don't really remember why I chose flute way back in 5th grade, but I almost chose percussion. That would've been pretty different... But flutes are shiny.
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Beagle147 | 12-14-03 1:00am Tear for Keiko. I heard this morning.
I play clarinet. Ho hum. I actually wanted to play perc too, amanda, but my parents wouldnt let me. Too much noise. (Bad experiences when will took up trumpet) So that's the story. I was actually sick for the instrument try-y out-y day at srcs, and I was pissed about that. But I told my mom to buy me a clarinet and she did. Don't really know why I chose it. Just did. Yep. But I play guitar too. I got that one year as a christmas present even though I didn't ask for it. My parents just got it for me. Rock. It's smallened so I can hold it better. Mostly so I could hold it better then, when I was a bit smaller, but I still like it better than will's. It's not like a children's guitar, just made smaller for people who are...small. Yes. That is all.
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