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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 11-9-2002 at 6:57pm
VidaDura87: females r only good for 2 things....making babies and cleaning up after guys ;-)

wow. lol DOM = PIG!!! haha

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11-09-02 7:02pm

dom is a pig. i've known that pig for nine years.

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Re:, 11-09-02 10:59pm

heh he's sooo ur bitch though!

me... he thinks i'm his property :0P

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Re: Re:, 11-10-02 10:43am

Don't mind me while I go puke.

Even jokingly, that's disgusting. It's flagrant usage of the smiley emoticons.

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Re: Re: Re:, 11-10-02 11:10am

It's Domnic... should we be surprised? lol

<3 4 Dom

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11-11-02 12:19am

This reminds me of a joke:

Q: How many men does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None. The bitch can cook in the dark!

Shameless plug time:
I actually started using my journal so come visit it and leave comments and do whatever other stuff you woohu people do. ;)

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11-11-02 12:20am

Oh, and by the way, 17 days until I see Vivi!!!

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