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SeraphimRhapsody (profile) wrote,
on 12-14-2003 at 11:41pm
Current mood: ho hum
Music: my sister's explanation of sharps and flats to someone
Subject: secrets, secrets, are no fun, secrets are for everyone
Saddam Hussein was captured today.
I guess everyone forgot Osama Bin Ladin. Or that's what the government wants us to think. And please don't attack me. I understand how important this capture was also, for the Iraqi people.

Kai's alive. After 20 days of no knowledge about her she's been spotted at the moment of signing offline. Impressive she actually came online on a name I'd recognize. I'll bet my being on scared her off as well.

I thoroughly do not have a will to do math. I paid attention in all but vectors which was in one class and now I can't understand vectors. Thus I fail it all. Stupid sin and cos that aren't much on the test.

Mom went off on me because I want to do an Angel (think the tree in the mall for the less fortunate kids). Is it so bad to want to get my own gift for once? You know, she gets the gifts for friends. She makes me take them to them. And it hurts. Yeah, 'nough of that. I'm getting something this time. Just gotta figure out how..

Dad's birthday is tomorrow. Celebrated today. Found out yesterday night. I have nothing for him.

I'll be failing exams also. Specifically history and chemistry.
I wonder about band... Think he'll take my grade down for not being able to keep up with his elongated measures? Watch him. Then he won't let me in Wind Symphony because I had Leah try and help me keep up with him while I look at what chime I'm hitting (something you can't do without looking, thank you). And I swear if he doesn't let me.. next year.. all hell'll break loose. The seniors have my back though, so it should be good. I'm glad I have them all on my side.

What else to blab about? Oh.
No, I will not be talking about friday or those classes. I said that in here before didn't I?

It's late once again. Don't you love not eating dinner? At least I can say there was a late dinner and a snack of cake..

With love..

Think carefully now...
Who do you think is the most popular girl in the junior class? What about boy?
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secrets, secrets are quite fun, but I can never keep my own, 12-15-03 5:31pm

The government's doing a damn good job, and I'm tired of people criticizing every little thing they do. Bin Laden is probably dead in a ditch somewhere, which is fine by me. Bravo for Bush and for our men for catching Saddam. Let them have their day. (And this wasn't an attack on you, I tried to pull my punches this time around. I wouldn't do that for just anyone either, bucko, so let it be known that this is nothing personal. ^_~)

No comment on math. It looks bleak. That is all.

Good for you for wanting to do an Angel. This year is a record breaker for the number of Angels that will go unadopted in Boca and Boynton.

You need to eat.
Don't waste away on us here, we need ya.

Hmm... popular...
It depends on what group's perspective you're looking from. I guess I would say it's Regina and Poncho or some other Boca brats.

The coolest people I know, the ones I admire the most, really aren't so popular, ironically enough.

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