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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 12-15-2003 at 1:09pm
Current mood: blah
Music: GC, hold on
Subject: bored
maybe it would have been better if we wood have went to school because then maybe i woodnt been this bored,
im taking useless pictures of myself and sending them to danielle, court & kristen
so bored, uhh i gotta clean my room and then go outside because i havent been outside yet and its gettin extremely boring in this house.. well im gonna bounce.. oh yea, how hott is that? piece out comment if you want or whatever - Brielle
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05-17-04 7:29pm

HOLY SHIT THIS WAS YOUR VERY FIRST ENTRY WASNT IT!!! AWWWWW I WANNA PINCH ITS CHEEKS... wow... im queer... i just bit a scorrore.. and it hurt... ahhh.. i remember those picture... i love them =D


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