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andi (profile) wrote,
on 12-16-2003 at 9:33am
Current mood: soothed
Subject: Whatevas
I feel left out w/ some ppl. I use to hate it w/ a degree of hate towards me. I couldn't understand how I let myself get sqeezed out of everything w/ some ppl. I couldn't stand it. Now I'm just use to it. I'm use to not getting invited, or being included in anything that these ppl do. it's been going on for a while and now i'm just use to the excluding.

Today I write to you at home. I am not in school at the moment b/c I'm getting my braces off. At leat i'm suppose to.

hmm..switchfoot..good band...

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HEy!, 12-22-03 6:01pm

Me Too! I hate feeling left out but it has been goin on for so long i never ever notice anymore....atleast not until they are talking about how much fun they had! Later

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