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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 12-16-2003 at 4:17am
Current mood: annoyed
uhh... that spanish tutoring thing was soo boring all we did was like sit there and he wasnt really helping the people in my class and it was one long hour

now i have an eye doctors appointment which is gonna suck because the ladys a bitch...

my brother has concert at BES tonite at 730 that im goin too but its not that bad court, deanna, and ashley are goin to be there, speaking of ashley i still have her MADE sweatshirt, i want one, i asked my mom for one for christmas i doubt she'll get it...

im out
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.., 12-16-03 6:37pm

I want a MADE sweat shirt too. I know I'm not gonna get one, I mean, I've already gotten a bunch of other crap so..

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ugh.., 12-16-03 6:39pm


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05-17-04 7:27pm

OHHHHH THAT CONCERT i didnt know what you were talking about... ahaha... that was deffinitluy cool man... ahhahaha yeah we are so cool


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