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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 12-17-2003 at 7:10am
Current mood: sleepy
Music: GC, Change
Subject: Have I changed?
I still miss the old Brielle... the one before she left. She's returned.. but she isn't the same. But I can't see what's different.
^ im really sorrie, if i'm not the same as i was before i have changed, but it's for the better and you still mean a lot to me... im sorry, please just tell me how im not the same

the eye doctors was boring no update, i had the man, i hate the lady.

the concert was boring and hot, i talked to kristen & deanna the whole time and yea
br> im really upset, leave something to cheer me up
br> school then babysitting be home at 4:30
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05-17-04 7:26pm

the eye doctors was boring no update, i had the man, i hate the lady. <-- dude how fucking cool are you!!!!!


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