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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 12-18-2003 at 10:34am
Current mood: happy
Music: GC, Say Anything
Subject: shibby
im in computers with casey ... shes not really talkin

first period was weird.. we had to pretend that we were some jewish people because we were reading anne frank and it we were load the "green police" would get us and we walked up those stairs.. and it was hot in that little room... i didnt see the point in doing that...


second period we played a dradle game.. i tihnk i lost... but christie gave me her M&M's and chrstina gave me half of there and yay.. i think i ate them all... hehe... gym was boring because it just was...

we just had a fire drill and i met caseys brother... haha...

i forgot my lunch money... my mom gave it to me because i lefted... and i lefted it by my computer...

spanish next period... i hope i dont have to do that verbal quiz... i didnt write the thing on the back i dont care .... me and mal almost caught cost yeterday... it was close


i love caseys scarf

i have an orthodontist appoitment after school... i havent worn my retainer in like a month... im screwed... haha...

im soo bored right now

only four more periods until i get to go home and hopefully i'll get paid... they owe me 70 dollars... some more christmas money...

i have like no presents for anyone... i really need to go shopping

i dont think i need to say anything else... i'll either update this when i got home from school or the orthodontist...


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05-17-04 7:22pm

first period was weird.. we had to pretend that we were some jewish people because we were reading anne frank and it we were load the "green police" would get us and we walked up those stairs.. and it was hot in that little room... i didnt see the point in doing that...--- I DID THAT!!! AND FREDDIE FARTED AHHHHH I WAS JUST LAIGHING AT THAT HO LY SHIT THHAT WAS SO MUCH FUN...
second period we played a dradle game.. i tihnk i lost... but christie gave me her M&M's and chrstina gave me half of there and yay.. i think i ate them all... hehe... -- DUDE MR. U WOULDNT LET ME AND FREDDIE DO THAT HE WAS ALL LIKE MADE ME GO SIT BY HIM THAT PISSED ME OFF ALOT MAN... AND LIKE... HE WAS SINGING TO ME.. TAHT SUCKS BALLS MAJOR.. I REMEMBER... AHHH stupid fucker.. both of them
we just had a fire drill and i met caseys brother... haha... <-- hes on my bus


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