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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 12-18-2003 at 7:18pm
Current mood: cheerful
Subject: hoalsh
5 more hours until my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

after computers where i lefted off... i went to spanish... we took a quiz.. i got a 10 on it... on yea ...

math was outta control like always... my class is always outta control... but there great.. i forgot my lunch money.. and fasano gave me three dollars... what a nice teacher i have

civis was boring like usual... i didnt watch channel one... like always.. i was playing when my pen... that thing keeps me amuzed for like hours... if i ever lost it... i wood cry everyone loves it..

science was boring... we went to the library... i got me & christie introuble on the way there lmao

the bus rid home was boring as usual... everyone on that bus is retarded

i went to the orthodontist... i was there for like an hour ... blah

now im home... no ones talkin except for " Rachel Svengtonla " thats german by the way... whatta loser.. im out

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05-17-04 7:19pm

um... who is rachel svengtonla? haha wait/./. HOLY SHIT
LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i remember her holy holy shit lmao wow holy shit... hahah wow i am a loser.. im gonna make myself a code name got that be-hotch yeah you better my code name will be... K WOO HOOO

haha... rachel svengtonla... DUDE taht is so my code name... but when i sign things so you know its me .. il make a k


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