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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 12-19-2003 at 9:31pm
Subject: What if...?
Okay guys, I wrote this article for the school newspaper last year. I just found it today in my files and I thought that it still applies pretty well to the lives of most people I know. Everyone needs to hear this once in a while just to stay grounded. So here it goes I hope you enjoy. And just to let you all know in case you forgot or I haven't told you lately... I love you all, you rock, and if you weren't here w/ me I wouldn't have made it this far in my life. Rock on my friends, love ya'.

By: Jacqui DeFouw

What if…
· You die today? Did you tell your family and friends how much they mean to you?
· Your parents get into a car accident? Will you regret not spending more time with them?
· You become different and your other friends aren’t people you want to hang out with? Do they know all they’ve done for you?
· You lose your house in a fire? Do you care, or are you just glad to have the love of your family to fall back on?
· You lose the most important game of the year? Is it that terrible, or are you thankful for all of the fun you’ve had?
· Your boyfriend/ girlfriend breaks up with you tomorrow? Will you be so upset that you’ll do something you won’t have the chance to regret?
Your life is full of what if…’s. Don’t worry about them just make sure that everyone you love knows that you love them, and everyone you care for knows you care. Don’t let precious moments slip through your fingers. Cherish friends, cherish family, and most of all cherish Life!

Thank you, I love you, Good- Bye!!
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12-19-03 10:59pm

Beautiful, Jacqui.

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