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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 12-20-2003 at 6:14pm
Current mood: relaxed
Music: 'anthem' good charlotte
Subject: hahaha
SchemmsyKid415: I LOVE YOU!
SchemmsyKid415: i have just fallen in love with you <-- i love her... haha

today... uhh... went outside with cassy.. and i started walkin on my sidewalk and fell flat on my ass... everyone saw and laughed err..

cassy couldnt make it up the hill.. haha she kept falling... i felt bad... then she had to go :(

after she lefted... it got dangerous... well for me... i ran into my neighbors tree... and hit my back on one.. then i hit the other one... ouch.. it hurts

then i fell on my arm... and of course.. i fell flat on my face... JTsFan78 : your sucha klutz ^--- i know right... i went monster fast down my hill =).. i'll do it tomorrow too..

we finally put up our christmas tree... we got it last weekend... and jsut finally put it up... thats it...

im falling apart... i want things how they use to be...
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12-20-03 7:20pm

your colors blind me

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Re:, 12-20-03 10:23pm


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05-17-04 10:10pm

QUICK LIKE A BUNNY AHAHHAHAHAHHAHA A christie trold me taht one


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