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allmysinsx (profile) wrote, on 12-20-2003 at 6:49pm | |
Current mood: thoughtful |
Answers to my survey: -- Name: Brielle -- Birthdate: 12-19-89 -- Birthplace: newton, nj -- Current Location: blairstown, nj.. ((yippie)) -- Eye Color: Brown -- Hair Color: Brown -- Righty or Lefty: Righty -- Zodiac Sign: Sagitarios -- Innie or Outtie: Innie -----------------DESCRIBE------------------ -- Your heritage: ?? -- The shoes you wore today: fake adidas -- Your weakness: being inlove -- Your fears: death... -- One thing you'd like to achieve: being wanted... -----------------WHAT IS------------------ -- Your most overused phrase on aim: lol, haha -- Your thoughts first waking up: i wanna go back to sleep -- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes -- Your best physical feature: uhh... -- Your bedtime: Whenever Im tired. -- Your greatest accomplishment: still bein alive -- Your most missed memory: all the times i spent with two people who im not best friends with anymore... -----------------YOU PREFER------------------ -- Pepsi or coke: coke -- McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds -- Single or group dates: Single -- Adidas or Nike: Vans -- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla -- Cappuccino or coffee: eww.. none -- Bras or Panties: i'd probably pick a bar over panties.. haha funny word -----------------DO YOU------------------ -- Smoke: No -- Cuss: Yup -- Take a shower everyday: Yes -- Have a crush(es): yup -- Who are they: ------ -- Do you think you've been in love?: yes -- Want to go to college: Yes -- Like high school: uhh.. not really -- Want to get married: Yes -- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Tes -- Believe in yourself: Yes -- Get motion sickness: like on rides?... yes -- Think you're attractive: No. -- Think you're a health freak: haha.. no -- Get along with your parents: uhh.. not all the time... -- Like thunderstorms: they dont bother me -- Play an instrument: Nope ------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU-------------- -- Drank alcohol: No -- Smoke(d): No -- Done a drug: No -- Have Sex: No -- Made Out: Nope -- Go on a date: Nope. -- Go to the mall: Yes -- Eaten sushi: No -- Been on stage: Nope -- Been dumped: Nope. -- Gone skating: On the ice in my back yard.. and fell... a lot -- Made homemade cookies: No -- Been in love: --Dyed your hair: No -- If so, what color: ..... -- Stolen anything: Yeah. -----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------ -- Flown on a plane: Twice. -- Missed school because it was raining?:No -- Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: Yes -- Cried during a Movie?: Yea.. a lot -- Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Yea.. im so pathletic -- Had an imaginary friend: When I was little -- Been on stage?: Yeh. -- Cut your hair: I cut pieces of my hiar when im bored -- Had crush on a teacher?: Nope -- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: lmao... yes... oh god... lmfao -- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated : yes -- Been caught "doing something": haha -- Been called a tease: probably -- Gotten beaten up ?: i dont recall... probably.. lol -- Been in a fight: Many times -- Shoplifted: Nothing Big -----------------THE FUTURE------------------ -- Age you hope to be married: When i find the one -- Numbers and Names of Children: 5.. i like the names - taylor, shelby/shelly, shayla.. i love that name and boys - derek, brian, and josh -- Descibe your Dream Wedding: Big.. with mine and his... family and friends -- How do you want to die?: i never thought about it but hopefully not until im like 100 -- What do you want to be when you grow up?: A teacher.. idk why though -- What country would you most like to visit?: i never thought about it... i wanna go to jamicia.. but thats an island -----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------ -- Best eye color: blue, green, or brown -- Best hair color: not red -- Short or long hair: short or long.. but not passed the chin or not bald short -- Best height: doesnt matter.. just not under 5'5 -- Best weight: doesnt matter... just not like 300 pounds -- Best first date location: movies or dinner -- Best first kiss location: under the stars -----------------NUMBER OF----------------- -- Number of girlfriends you've had: none --Number of kisses you've given: dunno.. didnt keep track -- Number of drugs taken illegally: none. -- Number of people I could trust with my life: uhh.. idk... -- Number of CDs that I own : a lot -- Number of tattoos: just maybe one -- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 6 or 7 -- Number of scars on my body: A lot... -- Number of things in my past that I regret: a lot.. i've done so many stupid things ----------------FAVORITES------------------ -- Shampoo: uhh.. anything that smells good -- Fav Color: Pink -- Day/Night: Day -- Summer/Winter: i like both winter- snow summer- no school.. they both have there disadvantages -- Lace or Satin: Lave -- Fave Cartoon Character: dont have one -- Fave Food: pasta -- Fave Movies: comedy. -- Fave sport: baseball -- Fave sports stars: DEREK JETER!!!!! ----------------RIGHT NOW------------------ -- Wearing: my dads sweatshirt, aeropostle shirt, and jeans -- Drinking: nothin -- Thinking about: why does kristen go on wierd sn and scare poeple -- Listening to: if i said.. katie, becca and court wood probably flip ---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------ -- Cried: Yes, -- Worn jeans: Yes -- Met someone new online: No -- Done laundry: No. -- Drove a car: No -- Talked on the phone: Yes ---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------------- -- Yourself: sometimes -- Your friends: Yeah... -- Santa Claus: no -- Tooth Fairy: no -- Destiny/Fate: yea -- Angels: yeah. -- Ghosts: yeah. -- UFO's: nope. -- God: yes --------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------ -- Do you ever wish you had another name?: Yes -- Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: No. -- Do you like anyone?: Yes -- Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: dunno... -- Who have you known the longest of your friends?: katie -- Are you close to any family member?: yes-- Who do you hang around the most?: my mom, sister, 2 neighbors.. my close friends.. and people in my classes -- When have you cried the most: At night. I cry my self to sleep... a lot -- What's the best feeling in the world?: bein inlove -- Worst Feeling?: bein hurt -- What time is it now?: 7:31 Eastern Standard Time. |
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fadextoxblack | ..., 12-21-03 4:13pm I can't believe you sat down and filled that thing out. I hate those.. thwy take too long for me.. you were listening to avril weren't you.. I don't care. |
allmysinsx | Re: ..., 12-21-03 8:13pm yea i was |
Anonymous | 05-17-04 10:09pm I WANNA BANG HIM