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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 12-21-2003 at 12:36pm
Current mood: optimistic
Music: Christmas Song
Subject: I'M WEARING .... 10 BRACLETS...
last nite i couldnt fall alseep or rather i wasnt tired... i finally got to sleep around 1:30 after a i watched the cosby show and three company... RIP... John Ritter ...

my dad woke me up around 8:30... uhh too early we left at 9 to go to church and picked cassys up.. and they had a christmas play and it was pretty good too!! and someone sang solo... and it was really good

danielles coming over... idk when though and hopefully cassys coming over after she goes to get johns uniform... and thats about it... i need batteries for my c.d player... uhh...
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05-17-04 10:08pm



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