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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 12-21-2003 at 4:23am
Current mood: sore
Music: ring of fire-johnny cash
Subject: Dancin feet hurt SOOO bad. and i miss kell, i didnt talk to him at all yesterday, and he owes me summin lol. omg last night was so much fun. we were dancing to "hot in here" and this guy ryan came over and started "dirty" dancing with me, and at first i was really embarrassed and i didnt do anything but laugh and then i was like what tha hell and started doing it with him, and then he went and told a bunch of guys that i was good at doing it and so they all started coming over and it was so funny! im sick again, i got the stupid flu or whatever, and so i stayed home from church, and had to get the computer to work again cuz we moved it and jumbled all the cords up , so they choose the stupid person out of the family to fix it, go figure. ok well i have to go, mom and dad are home from christmas shopping and in a bad mood again, they HATE the holidays, well bye bye
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12-21-03 7:41pm

Im glad to see that your in the full 'holiday' mood rach. lol

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