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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 12-22-2003 at 10:07am
Current mood: dizzy
Subject: im really dizzy
last period... i got hit in the head with a basketball and im really dizzy... we were playing knock out and i was lookin at the other people and he threw it and it hit my head...

were doin powerpoint and caseys is awesome.. haha ... shes gonna get introuble for what she wrote we had to write about what christmas is all about and shes like Steve Haggeritys here and i dont like christmas...jesus owns... jesus is better than your brother and sister "bobby and jane" its hilarious.. im eating caseys candy and its good and shes just so kool

first and second period we watched "Its A Wonderful Life" OMGGGGGGGGGGG soooooooooo sad ... ahh

I DONT WANNA GO TO SPANISH!!!!!!!!!!!! uhhhhhhhhhhh
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05-17-04 10:07pm



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