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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 12-22-2003 at 3:05pm
Current mood: exhausted
Music: dunno who sings the song im listening to
Subject: the rest of my wonderful school day
YAY!!!!!!! Mr. Brandt wasnt here!! i was soo happy... Jamie was... we just took a test that took like 5 seconds and then we just hung out the rest of the period... same for 6th... we watched the grinched idk.. i mainly talked to casey...

7th period we just did the geo. bee.... paul & alex curtis won for our class

8th period was soo funny.. me & christie had to do a physical change... and guess waht we did.. we put make-up on alex curtis... miss niemo thought it was hilarious... that means we got a good grade... and sam & paul had cupcakes... so we got to eat them... so basically we did nothin all day... which is gonna be the same for tomorrow... uhh ... im out

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05-17-04 10:06pm



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