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allmysinsx (profile) wrote, on 12-23-2003 at 10:09am | |
Current mood: lazy Music: NFG |
I wanted to give court and katie there presents now because i pass them in the hallway and i didnt relize that i lefted them in my locker so im gonna have to run back and get it them catch up with them.... i got awesome presents... danielle got my pirates of the caribbean and this body spray and bath stuff and christie got me like the same thing except it came with a towel and its different flavor... and kristen got me slippers ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDD GROOVY M&MS!!!!!!!!!!! deanna got me socks, shampoo stuff and a bracet & ring..... ashley got me two pairs of socks... one matches with my pajamas... christina got me.. this rubbie duckie bath stuff and a globe... I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!!! THANKS GIRL =) we played games first & second period... 3rd we played volleyball.. uhh... we have a free period now.. ash said we do nothin in spanish.. next period... 6th period... math... we watching santa claus too... 7th&8th we have this little christmas play to watch or watever... caseys not here.. im sick of writing.. im goin to to take test.. im out ... I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! ALL MY LOVE <3333 x o x - B r i e l l e |
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Anonymous | 05-17-04 10:06pm GROOVY M&MS YOU GOT THEM AT DQ