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swimfan14 (profile) wrote,
on 12-23-2003 at 2:11pm
(¨` ·.·´¨)Ashley
..`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨ )
.........`·.¸.·´ ??

In life there is going to be something that is going to make it hard to smile.But whatever you do through all the rain & pain you gotta keep your sense of humor. You gotta smile for me now. REMEMBER THAT.
-Tupac Shakur-

U can LuV me or HaTe me
..I dont care how u feel..
cuz anyway u see, see me I'll still remain
[[ R e A l]]

Life takes ur DrEaMs and turns them upside DoWn. Friends talk about u when ur not around. Ppl make promises they jus cant keep. <-------------- thats so true
..Ive come to realize talk is cheap..

*I wAnT 2 b ReMeMbErEd aS tHe GuRl WhO aLwAyS sMiLeD, tHe 1 WhO cOuLd BrIgHtEn Up Ur DaY eVeN iF sHe CoUlDnT bRiGhTeN uP hEr OwN...*

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12-23-03 2:44pm

hey babe~!*
oh yeah, im smilin for you! and hun... dont be concerned about makin other ppl smile. you do that just being yourself..and you usually cant make ppl smilin w/out havin a real smile yourself. just remember to live life the way you want to, not the way others wnat you to and you have everything you need to have the perfect life! you dont need a guy! we can be indepentent together! i love ya girl! dont forget that! * i was just kiddin* i love steve, but ill help ya get that on eguy your after :D

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Re:, 12-24-03 10:16pm

thanks brie!

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