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swimfan14 (profile) wrote, on 12-23-2003 at 2:11pm | |
(¨` ·.·´¨)Ashley ..`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨ ) .........`·.¸.·´ ?? In life there is going to be something that is going to make it hard to smile.But whatever you do through all the rain & pain you gotta keep your sense of humor. You gotta smile for me now. REMEMBER THAT. -Tupac Shakur- U can LuV me or HaTe me ..I dont care how u feel.. cuz anyway u see, see me I'll still remain [[ R e A l]] Life takes ur DrEaMs and turns them upside DoWn. Friends talk about u when ur not around. Ppl make promises they jus cant keep. <-------------- thats so true ..Ive come to realize talk is cheap.. *I wAnT 2 b ReMeMbErEd aS tHe GuRl WhO aLwAyS sMiLeD, tHe 1 WhO cOuLd BrIgHtEn Up Ur DaY eVeN iF sHe CoUlDnT bRiGhTeN uP hEr OwN...* |
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breezeyluvsu | 12-23-03 2:44pm hey babe~!*
swimfan14 | Re:, 12-24-03 10:16pm thanks brie! |