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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 12-23-2003 at 3:48pm
Current mood: accomplished
Music: powerpuff girls in the background...go bubbles! hehe
Subject: i'd make such a great housewife!
hey ppls! guess what?! i made mashed potatoes!!!!! .... not from scratch from the box but .... all by myself! and they were soooooo good! my whole family had some! mmmmmm soo yummy! i was so proud of myself hehe. grrr this morning was awful! i was sleepin...all nice and peaceful when my mom comes into my room and wakes me up cuz something was up wit the scanner and she had called the 1800 number but she didn't understand what the ppls were tellin her to do. grr so she wakes me up to get the phone and do it........i get my ass outta bed all groggy-eyed and junk and i start talkin to this spanish dude on the phone........AN HOUR AND A HALF LATER WE FINALLY FINISH! turns out my comp is more annoying and retarded than i thought! the damn thing would not do what he wanted it to! agh! it was so aggravating! but i must admit the dude i was talkin to was very nice and patient......way more patient than i'll ever be! i was ready to throw the damn comp out the window! .... the good news: we finally fixed the scanner. whew.....thank god......stupid thing! ooh i think i mite scann some of my 15's pics and figure out how to put them on my journal.......or send them to yarita......hmm.....ill see if i get in the mood.....omg yesterday me and shilpa watched this justin timberlake was beautiful and so was he! hehe and then i got sick and tired of waiting for spanish i called him.....he was so dull and i pretended like my mom needed to use the phone and i didnt call him back. hehe..mean i know....but he was just so blah! he was barely i was like fuck this.....i'd rather be watchin trl! so.......that's what i did! i hung up and went to watch trl. let's see if he calls me today. hmm....WHOOOOOOOO HAPPY EARLY CHRISTMAS EVE TO EVERYONE!!!! tomorrow we're gonna go next door to our neighbor's house and celebrate there.....they always have tons and tons of food and there's this girl i always hang out wit when i go....she's like a year younger than me but she looks older than me. and her older bro...he's like 6 foot something! whoooo! he's kinda cute .... hehe so whooooo i gotta look good! i dunno what ima wear yet...but we gotta dress up. omg the other day i found something out that pissed me the fuck off! i talked to nick and he told me that my mom had gone up to him and asked him y me and donna weren't friends anymore! i mean WTF! if i don't tell u mom it's for a doesn't mean.....go ask everyone i know till u find out the answer! that bitch! ..... haha when she saw me typin to nick i guess her guilty conscience got the best of her cuz she spilled like a monkey.....she was like oh i asked nick the other day blahdi bladi ya. hahaha u know what nick told her when she asked?! he's like "oh do you know cesar?!" AHHHH! IS THE BOY INSANE!? hahahha but she gave him this look r u talkin bout so i dont think she understood him.....and then he's like oh nm....i dont know y they're not thank god! haha! that woulda been so embarassing and i woulda never lived that down! haha. ooh i saw this old episode of everwood last nite that i had missed......gosh i love that show! ephram could not be hotter if like he tried.......whoo i'd tap THAT ass! hahha....alrite well it's almost 4 so i gotta go and call shilpa wilpa. buhz byez everybody.

tonite's song: me, myself, and i by beyonce........there's this line in that song that goes "i made a vow that from now on i'ma be my own best friend" i love that......cuz it's so me! it's like....u dont need anyone all u need's urself....and that's all i need! just plain lil ol' me! DAMN STRAIGHT! hehe
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ohh hell naw!, 12-24-03 11:42am

look bitch that's my ass to tap! he likes me not u! and im sorry if u can't have frank as ur bitch like i do...and i think im going crazy...oo send the pics!

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Re: ohh hell naw!, 12-24-03 11:53am

haha dorkus malorkus

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Re: Re: ohh hell naw!, 12-24-03 12:07pm

im not a dorkus malorkus i speak the plain truth! omg emilia saw brian santana!!! OMG

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Re: Re: Re: ohh hell naw!, 12-24-03 12:59pm


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Re: Re: Re: Re: ohh hell naw!, 12-24-03 1:33pm

get it right u hoe...3rd and 4th grade!

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