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allmysinsx (profile) wrote, on 12-23-2003 at 8:28pm | |
Current mood: good Music: no comment Subject: the shit i forgot |
i forgot to say.. that during santa claus.... chrstina & sonali braided my hair it was cute... stefanie walked by me in the hall and said.. brielles has ribbions(because they tied ribbons at the bottom)... ahaha and during the assembly christina had the most wonderful singing and i loved it, and she was singing when the wrestlers, soccer and basketball people were singing she was singing too... and when it wasnt our part to sing in the 12 days of chrismtas... she was like on the ground... shes so great ... lOtZ oF LoVe cHrIsTiNa .... x o x - B r i e l l e |
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Anonymous | 05-17-04 10:05pm IM ALMOST DONE