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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 12-25-2003 at 2:31pm
Current mood: hyper
Music: 'get low' Little Johnny and the east side boyz
yay yay... itz christmas... and i cant wait to go shopping because i got lotz of gift certificates =) HEHEHE... and i got new movies - How to loose a guy in 10 dayz, freaky friday, and legally blodne 2....

i got 30 dollarz to the mall!!! hehe... and 25 to tjmax, i got a lot of hair crap, i got a new straightner, the quite hair dyer, 14 karat earring there really pretty, and i got like 3 curling ironz but they all do somethin different, and i tihnk one came with a hair straightner

i got 2 cdz, i got the first good charlotte cd and the clay akin c.d

i got like a portable c.d player... but itz big, and i think it plays .... both radio & ... not sure though... and a c.d rack to go with it

my brother just yelled at me for stealin his c.d and my moms like " how could she, she didnt go anywhere" but i gave it back... and hes just bein a jerk...

anywayz... i realllllly liked this DEREK JETER POSTER!!!!!!!!! uhhh... just to go along with all the other derek jeter stuff i have in my room =)

i got like 100 dollarz... hehe... and uhh... other stuff... but i forget at the moment... and my grandma got me a lot of clothes... HEHEHEHE... she didnt gave them to me yet... but i was there when she bought them because i picked them out... hehe

i went to my grandmaz and my family was there and it was just nice... and i had fun.. we got there at like 7 and lefted at 11... and it was just fun and hmm yea.. i think my cousin has my bracletz... im gonna get the c.d back that my brother just took from me..

well merry christmas everyone ... <3
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05-17-04 10:03pm



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