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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 12-25-2003 at 10:09pm
Subject: another survery
x. name = brielle janine

x. birthday = december 19th, 1989

x. piercings = my ears,.

x. tattoos = none

x. height = 5'1

x. shoe size = 9...

x. hair color = uhh... well... 3 different colors lol, my natural is brown.. and you can kinda see that, i highlighted it blonde, and i got red highlights from the sun

x. length = well, i just asked my mom and she said its a foot from my shoulders, so i guess its pretty long

x. siblings = two younger brothers, 1 month and 10, and a younger sister whose turning 3

x. pets = one dog


x. movie you rented = dont remember? i like never went them

x. movie you bought = i havent bought one in years...

x. song you listened to = at this very moment, clay aiken .. idk the name of the song

x. song that was stuck in your head = the song im leaving too

x. song you've downloaded = none.. so sad

x. cd you bought = new found glory

x. cd you listened to = clay aiken

x. person you've called = i dont call people, they call me

x. person that's called you = katie, to wish me a merry christmas

x. tv show you've watched = as told by ginger!

x. person you were thinking of = katie...


x. you have a bf or gf = nope

x. you have a crush on someone = sure do

x. you wish you could live somewhere else = FLORIDA...

x. you think about suicide = i have...

x. you believe in online dating = no... but dunno...

x. others find you attractive = ahahahah... next question

x. you want more piercings = i want the top of my ear pierced.. i forget what its cllaed

x. you want more tattoos = dont have any.. i probably wont get one... im too much of a baby to take the pain

x. you like cleaning = no, not usually. but who does?

x. you like roller coasters = YES! sooo much i love them

x. you write in cursive or print = print

x. you carry a donor card = no?


x. gum = orbit rocks my socks

x. tv show = 7th heaven, GENERAL HOSPITAL
8 simple rules, and all the other comedies on abc, those three are my fav

x. thing in the world = dunno...

x. thing to collect = anything i think is kool

x. colors of all time = pink

x. thing to do on a rainy day = listen to music, dance it in

x. feeling in the world = being inlove


x. food = pasta

x. song = toooooo many

x. thing to do = shopping, listen to music

x. thing to talk about = anything, i love talkin... about boys... hehe

x. sports = baseball! yankees and derek jeter!!!!! <3

x. drinks = rootbeer

x. clothes = =my clothes. yeah.

x. picture = dunno

x. movies = the lion king, how to loose a guy in 10 dayz... and dunno... i odnt really watch movies

x. band = i like good charlotte, new found glory, and simple plan

x. holiday = christams, thanksgiving, my birthday

x. cars = dunno much about cars, but my 12 year old cousin does... he called a car place when he was 10(or 11) and wanted to buy a lambergenie and made an offer with the car ppl

have you...

x. ever cried over a guy/girl = yes.. so sad

x. ever lied to someone = yea... =(

x. ever been in a fist fight = with my brother

x. ever been arrested = nope


x. of times I have been in love?: once,

x. of times I have had my heart broken?: 2

x. of hearts I have broken?: none

x. of boys I have kissed?: 1

x. of girls I have kissed? no

x. of continents I have lived in?: 1

x. of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends?: 2

x. of people I consider my enemies?: i cant stand a lot of ppl... lol

x. of cd's that I own?: a whole freakin' lot.

x. of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 6/7

x. of scars on my body?: a lot

x. of things in my past that I regret? lotz
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05-17-04 10:02pm



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