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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 12-26-2003 at 4:50pm
Current mood: amused
[Slept in your bed] Me
[Saw you cry] no one
[Made you cry] no one in specific
[Spend the night at your house] danielle?
[You shared a drink with] casey in computers.. i think
[You went to the movies with] uhh kristen and mallory
[You went to the mall with] my mom, sister & brother
[Yelled at you] dunno
[Sent you an email] danielle
[Said they were going to kill you] dunno

[Said "I love you" and meant it?] Yes
[Gotten into a fight with your doggy/walrus/bird/fish/etc.] yes
[Been to New York?] yes
[Been to Florida?] YES!!!!
[California?] yes
[Hawaii?] No.
[Mexico?] No.
[China?] No.
[Canada?] nope
[Danced naked?] nope
[Dreamed something really crazy and then it happens the next day?]yup
[Stalked someone?] No
[Had a mud bath?] no
[Wished you were the opposite sex?] Nope
[Had an imaginary friend?] yeah, when I was like 4

[Apples or bananas?] bananas
[Red or blue?] blue
[Walmart or Kmart?] Wal-Mart.YAY!
[Santa or Rudolph?] Rudolph
[Math or English?] math
[radio or CD?] CD
[up or down?] Up
[drawing or painting?] drawing
[High school or college?] Um don't know yet

[What are you going to do after you finish this survey?] talk to friends
[What was the last food you ate?] A bagel
[you bored?] Yes
[How many buddies are on?] uhh dunno.. im only talkin to 4 ppl
[Last movie you saw?] freaky firday
[Last noise you heard?] rachel laughing

[Laughs the weirdest?] uhh dunno
[Will grow up and be a model?] Christie
[Going to have the most kids?] Danielle
[Have you known the longest?] Katie
[Is the loudest?] uhh... dunno
[Is the quietest?] none
[Do you have the most classes with?] crystal
[Is the weirdest?] Kristen
[Is the funniest?] Rebecca & Casey
[Is the moodiest?] Danielle
[Can you tell most of your secrets to?] Court, Danielle, Katie
[Do you usually go to about all of your problems?] uhh danielle

[Last time you went out of the state] uhh 2 nites ago
[Lucky number] 2
[Things you like in a girl/guy?] good personality
[Weirdest thing about you?] Im really wierd
[What do you think of quija boards?] What are they..??
[What book are you reading now?] holes
[What's on your mouse pad?] Its blue
[Favorite board game?] clue
[Favorite magazine?] YM, Teen , Teen People
[Favorite sound?] music
[Worst feeling in the world?] being emotionally hurt
[What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?] stretch
[Do you like scary or exciting rollercoasters] scary
[How many rings before you answer?] when the caller ID and it says the name and i decide if i wanna talk to them
[Future daughter's name?] Shayla
[Future son's name?] Brian or Josh
[Chocolate or vanilla?] Vanilla
[Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?] No
[If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?] teacher
[wat is your favorite snapple?] dunno i like a lot of them
[Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?] Righty.
[Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?] sometimes
[What's under your bed?] crap
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05-17-04 10:01pm

brielle!!! I CRAP UNDER MY BED TOO!!!!


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