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confused+abused (profile) wrote,
on 12-27-2003 at 9:32pm
Has something ever been so perfect it doesn't seem perfect?... like it's too perfect to be perfect? Thats Charlie... and yeah I'v dated hotter guys... true true... but he's just so nice... it's almost crazy... ya know? And for all of you who know I can't fall in love it's not possible but i do really like Charlie!
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12-29-03 12:27pm

i know what you mean. just keep it as long as you can, enjoy it, dont take it too seriously. and thats ok if hes not the hottest, its not about that. were young and immature its time to just expierence different emotions..yeah thats all i got, hehe.

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12-29-03 1:36pm

i know what you mean too i like this one guy big time and he isnt the hottest guy but he is still cute and yes i have seen him in real life lol

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01-11-04 6:03pm

hey are you gonna add me to your *friends list* cuz in your pro it says im not your friend lol

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