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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 12-28-2003 at 7:16pm
Current mood: relaxed

i went to my cousins today, they have the most retardest/ hyper dog ever.. and my cousin is so weird, he has a burger king menu on his wall... crazzyy

but it was fun

YAY! im goin shoping tomorrow!! and i got 40 more dollars.. well.. its a gift card to old navy.. but same thing right?

tuesday - dentist.. just kill me now

wendesday - not sure yet

thursday - company coming over

friday- taking my brother to the doctor...

saturday and sunday unknown.. so my only good day is ... monday and thursday ..

i think im gonna watch pirates of the caribbean again.. BEST MOVIE EVER!
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05-17-04 9:59pm

you watch pirates to much


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