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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 12-28-2003 at 9:15pm
Current mood: drained
Words suck. There are too many things that words can't describe. I love my friends, so love describes that. I love my family, but in a different way than I love my friends, so love is the word that describes it. But what about a person who is more than a friend to me but isn't my family. What about a guy I "like" I don't love him but it's more than liking him. I just don't know what word to use.
What word do I use when I deeply dislike a person but I don't hate them?? Dislike is too light a word but hate is too strong, what do I say?
There are too many times in life when words get in the way or when words cannot describe the way I feel. As a matter of fact this whole entry is probably a waste because words are useless and this whole entry is made up of words.
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i disagree..kinda, 12-30-03 7:32pm

well...see...i love words cuz literature is my passion. But i understand what you mean...words don't say it all sometimes. That's when silence and action step in. talk to ya later Jekyll

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