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mystery (profile) wrote,
on 11-20-2002 at 1:10pm
Current mood: tired, but happy
Subject: People are so wonderful.
People are incredible things. That's the conclusion I've come to. No, not just people, everything in the world is incredible. Life is incredible. Wonderful. Crazy and confusing and often painful but very much worth it.

I haven't felt healthy for days now, I'm falling over exhausted even though I actually did sleep last night, and I have to stop and sit still for awhile between climbing stairs and doing anything even vaguely productive. But it's such a wonderful world all the same.

It's the transgender day of remembrance. I know everyone involved in organizing the events. I'd like to be more involved, but I don't feel entitled. I sometimes feel like the token girl of the Gender Workbook class, and like I'm allowed to the doorstep -- but no further. Actually, that's probably me, allowing myself only that far.

I'm skipping Spanish today. Partly because I don't feel physically up to handling two classes in a day (I spent most of Poetry this morning lying on the floor), and partly because I don't have enough information on Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz to practice my presentation about her like I'm supposed to be able to. And partly I just don't care enough right now, though that's probably part of the lack of energy thing. And I just don't want to have to deal with certain members of the class today.

I'm not sure what I want to do right now. I want to take a nap. But Dan should be back from class soon and I want to talk to him, because I haven't yet today. I ought to get some reading done for something or other -- that Sor Juana biography or some of the chapters for 3rd2nd tomorrow. I want to go hang out at the Trans. Day table under the library with Wendy. But Dan should be back soon. I want to curl up and read Meadowlands, which I do have to read sometime soon because I'm going to write a paper on it. I should write that poem that was due today. But if I start writing I'll be writing for hours and then I'll be really worn out. I think I'll go read Meadowlands until Dan gets back.
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11-22-02 8:40am

you're standing timidly in the doorstep and we're gesturing for you to come in...

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