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butterflykisses37 (profile) wrote, on 12-29-2003 at 1:51am | |
Music: northstar |
I hate potheads. I hate coke addicts. I hate heroin abusers, or even people who are addicted to pain relievers, it's the same fucking thing. we all have shit to deal with. we all have family problems. everyone's back hurts. everyone needs more than they have. but not all of us need a crutch to get through it. I think that people who do drugs, or drink, to "get away from it all" are weak bastards...that's including some of my friends, and some of my family. all of you need to get a life and stop looking for the wrong things to help you through. for some it's religion, for some it's a psychologist, for some it's just a friend to listen..and that's why I'm here. nwo I sound all cheesy and shit. oh well, it's better than killing my brain cells or putting little holes in my arm. sure stoners are funny, but my god are they stupid. I hate stupid people who have a chance to be smart. you're wasting air. | |
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xicrybloodx | 12-29-03 4:40pm whoaaa.. does this have anything to do with you talking to your sister yesterday? i'm way confused. |
xicrybloodx | 12-29-03 4:40pm whoaaa.. does this have anything to do with you talking to your sister yesterday? i'm way confused. |
butterflykisses37 | Re:, 12-29-03 5:46pm haha, no, I was just thinking about how much I hate my mom and then how much I hate drugs. |
doofus | 12-30-03 2:04pm idiot...potheads are idiots... |