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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 12-29-2003 at 7:46pm
Current mood: aggravated
Subject: Venting time!!
Okay, I wasn't gonna' write today until I was lookin' through the profile of one of my friends and found a journal of a former friend of mine (former is there for a reason). You see this person and I got in a huge fight last year because of some things that were said during a softball game. It was the first fight I ever got in really, the first that was big that is. I haven't gotten in another fight since than really either, so that shows you just how bad it was. Anyway, while I was reading this persons' journal I couldn't help noticing that she was in a fight w/ yet another person *rolls eyes*. She seems to just love to make people mad. She either pretends to stay all calm or gets all immature and crys about it to anyone who'll listen (both are complete bull shit). So since she knows who she is and you probably all do too I'll say what I've wanted to say to her for quite a while here (I would say this to your face hun, but I rarely see you and I try to avoid cat fights while I can, I just can't keep this to myself anylonger)
In your journal you wrote that Sam (though I don't know which one) was a bitch. Well, whenever you decide that someone is a bitch why don't you look in your frickin' mirror?! My gosh, I did all I could to put our friendship back together last year because being mad at people and having them be mad at me is not my style, but lordy, could you have tried any harder to make me seem completely evil?? I sure hope not, I think it's impossible to be that cruel but I guess you never know.
Do you even know how many people are mad at you?? Even Ariana- sweet, innocent, forgiving Ariana- is sick of you and your stupid attitude!! It's not like it was wonderful last year but it got A LOT worse this year. You suddenly think you're all cool because you hang out w/ upper-classmen but guess what?! So do I!! I am the official little sister to half the junior class and friend to most of them too. But until now I would never say that outloud because I don't think it matters who you hang out w/, no one cares. All people really think about is what kind of person you are and guess what? You, are not the kind of person me and my friends want to hang around and unless you change your attitude you'll learn that most people will agree w/ me. But don't worry, I'll still be nice to you in school and in softball because unlike you, I have class and I refuse to act like a frickin' uberbitch just to get attention and make myself feel stronger.

Sorry you had to read that if you're not the person who that message was meant for. I just needed to vent and here seemed like as good of place as any to do so. Well I'll talk to you all later, much love, rock on.
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12-29-03 11:14pm

I love you, Jacqui Jean.

Woot, woot.

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Re:, 12-29-03 11:14pm

By the way, the Sam that she called a bitch was Sam Liscombe.

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Hey, 12-29-03 11:37pm

Yeah im the one she called the bitch, and I totally love your journal entry and bow down to you for writing it u go girl!!!!! gosh what she did to u last year was totally fucked up and i heard about it. she does use her friends and shes a total selfish bitch, and u are a very good person. I know you dont normally call people bitches and say stuff like that, but everyone needs to get feelings out and u did a good job. and Thank you for stickin up for me to. Like I said you go GIRL!!!

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01-01-04 10:49am

That really hurt. As i read that it was as if anger was building inside me. I don't mind if you had to "vent" but to talk about my BFF like that. If I recall...she did apologize. She has to be the only TRUE friend I have and to say those things really hurt my feelings. :(

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my oh my, 01-10-04 1:07pm

You say you have class but it sounds like really dont b/c if you really did you wouldn't have started a fight over something that happened LAST year! You also say you have upperclass friends but it just sounds like you're trying to make yourself look better. a true friend wouldn't dump her friend over a stupid little softball fight. If you all were her friends in the begining how come you don't know how she really is?

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Re: my oh my, 01-11-04 12:20pm

i didn't start a fight over what happened last year. i wasn't trying to make myself sound better i was trying to prove a point that having older friends doesn't make you cool. and i wasn't wonderful friends w/ her before the softball fight even though we did make up way afterward. i don't hang out w/ her now because she's changed. she's somewhat of a snob now and i don't like to surround myself w/ people like that. i'm sorry if you have a problem w/ this whole thing but it's over now and it wasn't talked about again until right now. but i gotta' say... it was your choice to read my journal if you have a problem w/ it then don't read this anymore! thank you for your time buh bye

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