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allmysinsx (profile) wrote, on 12-30-2003 at 11:14am | |
Current mood: sleepy |
i slept over danielles last nite with kristen it was pretty fun! omg kristen.. the dogs trying to eat the light bulbs... how'd your dog die?.. well hmm my friend fed it a light bulb .. freddie and the triplets... they didnt have any kids.. they adpoted.. .. im just checking to see if i peed... i bit it to see if it was real haha and tons more ashleys coming over soon.. she was suppose to be here 15 minutes ago but whatever and after she leaves in goin to the dentist... damn... |
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blondeatheart42 | hey., 12-30-03 1:31pm hey brielle, i dont have a comment on this entry, but i was just wondering, did i miss your birthday party!? cuz if so im sorry i didnt crash it. well...merry christmas! and im having a b-day party friday...feel free to crash at your own risk. ---laura |
allmysinsx | Re: hey., 12-30-03 7:59pm hey laura!! well.. i didnt have the party just let... but trust me... if i do... i'll let you know... AND IM SOO CRASHING YOUR PARTY!! haha.. love ya girl <3 - brielle |
Anonymous | 05-17-04 9:56pm BELLE PEES HER PANTSSSSSSS