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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 12-31-2003 at 4:00pm
Current mood: anxious
i cryed myself to sleep last nite.. dunno why... i was just really upset

my moms doctor was horrible.. where were there unti like 12 and it was crowded and they need a bigger waiting room

and i went to the a&p and was there for like an hour and a half and it was horrible... i saw a bunch of ppl i knew that.. there were all obsessed with the baby.. none of my friends were there.. i even saw my grandma there ... haha..

and after we dropped my brother off at his freinds house 'ray o'brien' and yea..

and i think im sleeping over katies tonite.. i need to call her.. but court said shes not home.. so after i get in the shower i'll call her..

and tomorrow holy shit.. tomorrows new years day.. i totally forgot about that wahhh we only have 4 more days off ... DAMN.. im having company over at 2.. which should be fun considering i havent seen them since we lefted myrtle beach which was the end of august..

well im out.. gotta take that shower... ha
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05-17-04 9:54pm

my dad is watching a movie and this guy is getting 'cleared' and he goes ... i dont think hsi stuff is lined up right and bobby goes WOULD YOU JUST STOP TALKING NOW hahahhaa


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