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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 11-21-2002 at 8:07pm
so yeah. the right decision? i don't know anymore...

i hate not being in control of my emotions... its so superficial.. as much as i try to hide my broken heart it seems to leak out in the most unlikely places... i'm just afraid of hurting more people...

i just want it to stop...
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11-21-02 8:26pm

Pobrecita. Perhaps I should've kept my mouth shut about the boy issue. ::hugs::

It's only High School, Vivs, keep that in mind. I'm sure you'll meet someone someday, perhaps when both he and you are a bit maturer and bit wiser ;)

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11-21-02 9:07pm

hey...just go by your heart...if u like him and truly think it could work then go for it!!! Otherwise wel..its ur decision. good luck! ~adios

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11-21-02 11:08pm

I'm with Jess on this one. Keep in mind the fact that you have decades of life ahead of you. You have all the time in the world to sort your feelings out.

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11-22-02 8:50am

Just remember, boyfriends will come and go.

I will always be there for you. Always.

5 days until I see the bestest friend ever!

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