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butterflykisses37 (profile) wrote, on 12-31-2003 at 4:27am | |
everything is so fucked up right now. seriously. I mean, I really wish it was just a case of a couple fights with my best friends and boyfriend, but it's not. being 13 shouldnt be about this. it shouldn't be about dealing with your mother being a drug addict and your dad running out of options to deal with it. it shouldn't be about your sister being ill and not being able to do anything. anything. it shouldn't be about wanting to cut your wrists to prove to everybody something that yuo yourself doesnt even know what yuore trying to prove. oh wait, trying to prove that no matter what you can hurt yourself worse than anyone else can hurt you? well it doesn't work. youre going to be screwed over and hurt by anyone and everyone no matter how much you can make yourself bleed. that was the worst fight I've ever experienced..and I can still hear it going on between mom and dad in the other room. this is so crazy. I'd normally say that I just want to die, but if I did, I wouldnt be happy before my death. what I need right now are my best friends and my boyfriend. you few know who you are and I love you so much. I'm sorry for being a bitch or whatnot, I love you guys. I'm sounding mushy but I dont know how else to act right now. I'm still shaken up..god.. by the way, happy new year's eve. |
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doofus | 12-31-03 6:02pm :(..i love you.
Anonymous | me too, 12-31-03 7:53pm hiya its the guy from clearwater dont be sad get glad and take it and wrap upp all the poeple you hate dislike or just look funny it helps really it does.......ummm on second thought scratch that....i think thats illegal lol ooops that would esplian why im being chased.......anyhoo theres no real point to this but to maybe make you laugh or at the least chuckle -chris |
xicrybloodx | 01-01-04 3:20pm uhh.. i'm trying not to be my "bitchy-self" here..
butterflykisses37 | i love you guys, 01-01-04 3:35pm everyone, well not everyone but Rach Chris and Jennah, thank you guys, I love you. |