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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-2-2004 at 7:02pm
Music: Playlist
Subject: Sorry... and thank you.
Hey guys. I know that what I said last entry was pretty harsh but to those of you who didn't apreciate it I gotta' tell ya', when I get worked up over something I don't give a damn what other people think about what I have to say and I just say what's on my mind. I apologize for being SO evil but that's really what I think of the situation, I can't help how I feel and I know no one else can either.
To those of you who agreed w/ what I said, Thank you for the support. When I first saw that there were comments I was pretty afraid that they would all be from "her" and I got slightly scared of what they would say. I'm glad that some ended up being supportive. I'm not really big on saying things like that.
So anyway thank you for the support and I'm sorry if you don't agree. This site is about saying what you think and how you feel, that's what I did. I didn't mean to hurt anyone... just give one person a reality check.
I love you all, hope you have an awesome weekend. Rock on, Much love.
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01-02-04 8:18pm

Jacqui, don't be sorry. If people don't like what you have to say, tough luck for them. They don't have to agree.

And it wasn't evil or rude. You said what you wanted to say on YOUR journal. It's the reader's choice whether to read it or not.

Love ya.

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01-02-04 10:16pm

I agree very much w/ Justine. You weren't being evil at all, you were just stating your opinion and the obvious... and if anyone is evil its ....u know who...but i support you all the way.

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