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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-3-2004 at 5:06pm
Current mood: Just lovely... in a bored sort of way.
Subject: I am not paranoid!! Who told you that?! *darts eyes*
I'm so bored. Weekends suck. especially because this is a break weekend and I haven't seen everyone in 2 weeks.

So if any of you got the post you know that in it there is a 2 for 1 ticket to Pando. So I was thinking maybe we could get some people together and go just for fun sometime in the next couple of weeks?! What do ya' think?? Just a group up to twelve tho FYI.
Well I shall have to fly now, ttyl. Much love and Rock on.
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oh, 01-05-04 7:49pm

i didn't know there was a two for one ticket to Pando in the post?! i'm not very observent

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Re: oh, 01-05-04 7:53pm

A. I love your picture... rock on. and B. yes there is and yes you are... most of the time hehe ;) Have a lovely day... and write an entry on here, I need something else to read!! :D *makes puppy dog face* pweeesssee Heather... pweeessseee!!! hehe. ttyl buh bye

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Re: Re: oh, 01-06-04 5:43pm

figured you would like my picture!! oh btw i took that quiz you made and kinda flunked...i woulda passed if you asked "When is my birthday?" or "What color Hair do i have?" lol

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