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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 1-3-2004 at 8:27pm
Current mood: chipper
Music: meant to live by switchfoot
howdy ppls well i gotz to make this quick cuz i just got my nails done and its soooooo hard to type oh my lordy! aunt and uncle r here and so we've been having a blast! omg yesterday i drove out in traffic for the first time ever! i went all the way to mckey d's and i even went thru the drive thru and ordered by myself for the first time ever. yesterday me and my lil cousin went outside at like 8 oclock and we played with this giant beach ball we have....we went out on our frontyard and played volleyball type thing..haha it was sooo much woulda prolly been better if he wasn't so spoiled though.....but lets not go there. well these ppls r gonna leave tomorrow in the afternoon and ima have to go back to school on tuesday......HAHAH THAT'S RITE YARA I START ONE DAY AFTER U! hahah loser u have to go in on for u. oh wellz! agh i couldn't talk to shilpa today....i was soo gonna call her but my aunt's like hey lets go do ur nails! so.....that's what i did....hehe aww they brought their dog just like they always ddo........she's pregnant! i feel kinda bad for her though cuz shes like a lil chihuaha so im like.....HOW IN THE WORLD R U DOING THIS?! that poor lil puppy. so ya......well i think ima log off cuz im bored....and ima go outside and do something wit my mom and my aunt. so buhz byez ppls ill type back at some other point.

tonite's song: walked outta heaven by jagged edge....i cant get that stinkin song outta my head! agh! hehe and i only know like the first few lines of the chorus so it's aggravating..... hehe listen to it!
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hey, 01-04-04 3:19pm

I don't even wanna go to school on Monday..I'm scared for my life. I told my mom yesterday about the whole meningitis thing and how I'm really scared to go back cause I don't want to get that and then I started telling her that I felt bad *I know it was just my mind playing tricks on me though* If I didn't have such important classes on Monday, I might not go, but I really have to go. Damn, out of topic, but today I fell asleep like 8 times, I was watching something really interesting about criminals. My goodness, yesterday the whole meningitis thing really hit me. I'll email you more about it now, cuz well I've got time on my hands..k bye

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Re: hey, 01-05-04 1:27pm

okies ill go read my mail in a sec. but dont worry u'll be glad u went to school once u get there cuz ur gonna see everybody and ur gonna realize how much fun ur havin bein there. plus ur always tellin me high school is a very important experience that no one should miss out on so dont miss out yarita! hehe tty soon

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