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butterflykisses37 (profile) wrote,
on 1-3-2004 at 8:33am
Current mood: happy
Music: Headfirst for Halos-MCR
I love Alex so much I can't bear it. he just left by the way. he came over to help me with my science project, because I was all out of sorts..isn't that sweet? I mean, what 13 (14 in..3 and a half hours) year old boy would spend a saturday helping their girlfriend with a boring science that isn't even fun? he's grrrrrr8! everyone looks down on our relationship..they all think we've been together too long, or we're "obsessed" with each other, or we spend too much time together..but the thing is, he's also like my best friend. I mean, I have the Fabs, but they all have lives. Jennah has dance and..Brett...Rach has her little pothead friends, and Erin has Corey..and that older party crowd. so, Alex is..mine. he really knows me..maybe better than anyone else. it's great..and we're great. and I honestly do not care what anyone thinks about us.."I don't care what they say about us anyway, I don't care about that."...and I just quoted Weezer.. .. ....ehh, that wasn't as bad as it could have been.
everyone is getting a Woohu now. I'm not saying that's bad or anything, it's awesome. I mean, I didn't have one before 2 weeks ago. I used to have what you would call a blog though. It was cool, but definately not as cool as Woohu..ehh, that was back in the 7th grade, someone shoot me. we make such a big deal about how horrible 7th grade was, but I don't know if it was really that horrible. I mean, yea it was pretty darn bad at the end (all the c r a p starting on Feb. 7th to be exact). but before that I don't remember it being that bad. i guess it was for Alex and Jennah because they were going through their little "I love you, I hate you" period. I was still going out with a different guy every month..hah, that seems so long ago. this year has been pretty bad..for me at least. I hate saying that because it's 8th grade (uh, yay?) and I don't know. all I know is that I've bottled a lot of stuff up..mainly just family things..and..because, and I guess thankfully because, of Alex, I don't know how how I feel about..things. and whoa, sorry if I confused anyone right there. but yea, so I'm kind of like this stuffed with a smile. I'm smiling, because the smile is sewn on, and I want to make people happy. but there's so much stuffing, cotton and whatnot, inside of me, that I can't seem to get out. it's stuck in there, because I'm sewn shut. there, maybe that makes more sense, I don't know. but I'm going to be broken open, soon. and I don't know where exactly I'm going to put all of this stuffing...on a notepad, written by a doctor, trying to fix me? no clue, but we'll all find out soon..and I'm so confused..why the hell does the internet community think I'm suicidal? all of a sudden I'm getting all these emails about deals on valium. who else is? there must have been some crazy theft somewhere and all these crazy terrorists are trying to sell it to us crazy americans who live online and therefore wants to kill ourselves becasue face it, how the hell do you go on enjoying your life if it's internet based? sorry, I guess some of us do. hm.
alright well, I'm going to do the less fun part of my project..the activity/definition sheets..ehh..why ms. schmidt? why?
later guys.
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01-05-04 12:10pm

uhhh.. i don't feel like i know you anymore.

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Re:, 01-05-04 1:57pm

you are one hell of a best friend Jennah.

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hiya, 01-05-04 3:21pm

sorry about your friend up there....can i be your new best friend?? lol sorry trying to make you laugh...but i hope you dont mind i used your little thing about stuffed animals...i gave you props though its really poetic kinda...anywayz...i tryed to call you but you didnt pick up i was wondering if you got my message....okies ill call back some time...ta ta for now -chris

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01-05-04 6:44pm

i'm glad you're in love?

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01-05-04 7:19pm

uhh to let you know i wasn't being mean about what i said but i dont feel like i know you anymore because you're all about cooper.. and i'm not saying that in a bad way either!

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