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andi (profile) wrote,
on 1-4-2004 at 1:29pm
Music: and i'm back..from outter space...lalala
Subject: Holla!
My vacation was the best yet. Snowboarding is sooo easy. I'm in love w/ it. My knee is all bruised though from falling and my face is scraped from doin tricks. I love it though....

Haven't had this feeling in a long time. The longing, teh wanting, the needing. It's been a while. *You* brought it all back. I have the joy again. Could this be it though?? Are you the thing that has been missing? Are you the beholder?

This feeling, it's great. It's been a while. 4 yrs ago this feeling grasped me. Your smile, your lips, your thoughts, your touch, your everything...I love it. I love you. Holy mother of pearl. You made my break. You made my life.

That one last night though, that was a killer. what you did geez....pleasure?? Hell no it wasn't. More like pain thank you. Some of it was enjoyable though.
What I really loved was the night before that. That was memerable (sp?). I felt actually loved and it felt right. Having a feeling taht feels right is not normal for me.

1 week and 2 days. that's all it has been. Seems like I'm on cloud 9. You brought more smiles to me than I could ever think of. You have me feel needed and loved w/out having it seem weird for me to reject you. No guy has ever really done that.
But who should I reveal my "dreamweaver" to? All me friends can't keep secrets. One of my friends went through the same thing. My perspective on her has changed.

I can't get him out of my mind. He's on my mind and my mind is on him. Hasn't been like this in a long time. I've waited for so long to have you. Now I do. Your all mine to have to enjoy. I'm scared it will end. I shudder of teh thought. I'm afraid my life will shadder when it ends. 7 yrs I've wanted you to notice me and you do an dyou want me. It's lovely.

Where out thou Romeo?Is no longer a question . I have found my Romeo....

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:-), 01-04-04 3:31pm

awwwww..glad your happy. and ...i gotta meet him

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ummm, 01-05-04 3:22pm

lol so im assuming your parents now kno whut you like to have your romeo around so much lol!

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Re: ummm, 01-05-04 3:24pm

i ment "lol so im assuming your parents now kno why you like to have your romeo around so much lol"

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Hey!, 01-05-04 5:16pm

I am very happy for you! And i'm glad you had fun!

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