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butterflykisses37 (profile) wrote,
on 1-4-2004 at 5:20pm
Current mood: ecstatic
haha, this band Darkness, theyre really cool...really funny. I'm a Alex's. : ) it's his birthday, if you didn't know. Patrick is sitting here next to me..slurping on a swedish fish..yikes. yes, I'm having fun because I love these peope. I just met "the family". hahaah, I like 'em! nice people.
earlier my mom and I went shopping, kind of. I'll talk about it later, I must go KILL Patrick in Mortal Kombat...mwahahahhahhhah! I LOve THis GAme!!!!
and I love Alex.. : )
p.s.....Alex explained to me the time should be right I feel like an idiot.
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yay, 01-05-04 3:22pm

yay you got it right ::claps for you:: :) bye shannon -chris

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