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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 1-4-2004 at 9:14am
Current mood: crushed
Music: american soldier-toby keith
Subject: Back 2 School
well the wonderfull christmas/new years break is over, and its back to the grudging schedual of school once again. its funny, ya know, how you get into the rutine of staying up late and waking up late and lounging around and doing basically whatever you want to do, when in fact, you only have a few weeks to do that in, and yet we never get into the ritual of going to bed at a decent time and getting up in an undecent time, like for me i have to get up at 5:30, so that i can take a shower to get my hair wet so that i can put my stupid gel in it so that i can make it do what i want it to do, even though iv already taken a shower the previous night, then get my make-up on and get dressed make sure...well anyways the point is, im still not used to the whole stupid thing of school. i cant wait for summer, but then its back to school yet again. 3 more years of school, then its off to college. life is horribly laid out. hmm...funny how that is, when a bunch of people say that you need to be spontanious but how can you when life is a laid out....thing....for lack of a better word. ok well iv to go get my shower and keep the rythem of life going. bye bye
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01-07-04 2:46pm

Sound like we end up gettting up at the same time...huh, isnt that strange. your up at 5:30 and Im up at 6:30, but take an hour back from mine to get your time and Its the same. Thats neato-o.

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