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butterflykisses37 (profile) wrote,
on 1-5-2004 at 6:59pm
Music: Footloose and Godspell soundtracks
I'm so excited about tomorrow. no, not because I want to go back to school, because drama starts! -not the annoying kind, the ACTING kind- and I can't wait. I dropped out of AOF this summer, so I haven't technically been in a play since last school year...and that sucked big time. I mean, no offense to anyone who was in it, but you guys, er, we, sucked. I'm surprised people didn't get up and leave after the first class did their mystery thing..which you couldn't hear at all...IT'S CALLED A DIAPHRAGM PEOPLE. my class was sitting in the back and we were just like..yea, we better be better than them. and we were. a tad. hah, whatever, I can't wait. Alex is going to try to get into it...NOT because I'm making him because I want to have an extra class with him, but because he'd be an AWESOME, comedian. -haha, I can hear We Beseech Thee in the other room. I'm surprised I liked that show so much considering I'm not into all.- anyways, something I'm not looking forward to tomorrow is science. or, I'm not looking forward to turning my project in on Wednesday. I mean, it's okay, but to Ms. Schmidt, okay is like, trash. and I'm thinking she's expecting a lot from me and uh, this project isn't...yea...oh well, even if she gives me a C on it -which I don't think she will- I'd probably still have an A in her class. haha, almost said something mean. ah, I don't know I don't know I don't know.
I feel so numb. well, I guess you cuold say numb because I really don;t know what else you would say. I don't know how to feel right now, about anything. I'm making school be my number 1 priority. I know it sounds stupid, but heh, I don't want to get into some of the things that are right here in front of me, asking me to step down the wrong path. some of my friends..I don't know, it feels like things are changing, or maybe it's me. but how can you not, when serious, life changing things happen? I mean, I don't know, Jennah said she doesn;t feel like she knows me anymore, I never talk to Erin, it's just weird. and I don;t know how to act with my family either. I don't know who to believe, who to trust, who to apologize to. I always feel like I need to apologize to someone, for something that isn't my fault. whatever, if I go a few months, or a year, without feeling anything it can't cause any damage worse than feeling..if you get my drift. okay, I think I'm going to go take a shower.
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01-05-04 8:36pm

i don't want things to change.. at all. and hopefully our feelings are just a result of not being able to see each other every single day.. hopefully going back to school will change everything for us. i love you so much shannon, and i really don't want to loose you or any one else right now.

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