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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 1-7-2004 at 6:59pm
Current mood: okay
im a dick, im addicted to you.. lol best song.. well today was boring like usual.. except for fasano.. shes really funny .. hers the scoop im just copying christinas ..

Alright well 5th period today was a free period i went walkin around the hall ways and stopped by Mrs Fanaso's room while im there she gives me a test to take, i take it while im takin it shes assigin seats all ova the place then she telled me im sittin wit him (im not gonna use his name) im like ok.. then she starts to say " you to look good together? i think he likes you? do you to have something goin on? I think he likes you?" Im like no he dont like me were jsut friends.

Then Mallory and Brielle walk in the room.

THey come in and talk then sum how we get started on talkin bout The seats in the class. "Mrs fanaso says that she thinks he likes me and a whole bunch of other stuff bout that subjet...THEN BRIELLE goes " they got married in science class so thurr married" lol Mrs Fanaso starts to laugh.

later the next period after lunch

Mrs Fanaso- you guys have a quiz, you and your partners can work together.
Me- Oh Great thats not fair Irvings not that smart, he copys off of
everyone starts to laugh
Mrs Fanaso- sorry. or sumthin like that. i couldnt hear soo many ppl laughin
then Irving walks in when it quite Mrs Fanaso starts to laugh and then everyone starts to laugh.
Irving- wat did i do? wat.
omg the look on his face was priceless he didnt know we were talkin bout him
^ lmao sooo funny

that science test was reallly hard! damn.. i failed.. im out
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05-17-04 9:44pm

i have no clue whta you are talking abiout


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