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butterflykisses37 (profile) wrote,
on 1-8-2004 at 12:00am
I've decided to not put the time on here anymore because it's too damn confusing.
I Love list from...April 26th, 2003..
Kurt Cobain
Kevin Bacon/Travy
Empire Records
winking smiley faces
Bjork's voice
being on the floor at concerts
Magic Kingdom
Space Mountain at Magic Kingdom
making out
sex bracelets
my sister ring
the Fab 4 and Coop
my journal
the beach
Harry Potter books
yearbook and the Wubb
the color red
my feet falling asleep
Hot Topic
getting out of school early
speghetti strap shirts
acting/being on stage/being in front a a camera
pizza-NY style
my cats
my J.E.W. sweatshirt
music videos
orock/real rock
french braided pig tails
flat sandals
sleepovers witht he fab 4
being pushed in the pool with my cothes on
my red high tops/black low tops
crazy colored hair
beauty and the beast
having and remote control for my stereo
Eric (the bear)
the cheshire cat
water balloon fights
lying in my backyard
bands who scream then sing and vice versa
Chevelle's "One Lonely Visitor"
long vacations
Ginnie Springs
making cookies at Erin's
being independent

that is not a lot compared to the list I made today..which I'm still not done with..but I'll put what I have so far up here.

seeing Jennah laugh till she cries
Rachel's skin
making Erin laugh
pretty kisses
Alex's shoulders
seeing Rach and Patrick holding hands
wet shine nailpolish
Boys Are Smely watermelon chapstick
black eyeliner
Alex's old grey jacket
baby blue button up collar shirts for guys
the pen that I'm using right now
Empire Records
the setting for Empire Records
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
the way the Wubb's room used to look
the fact that Clint's mom owns a lime green bug
Dove chocolate
Kurt Cobain
my red high tops
Konstantine (the cat)
Konstantine (the song)
A Static Lullaby
Harry Potter
Oliver Wood from Harry Potter
Cute Without the 'E' acapella
Angelina Jolie
Mortal Kombat
Disney princesses
Beauty and the Beast
twisted fairy tales (check out The Rose and the Beast by Fransesca Lia Block)
college-ruled notebook paper
screaming the Finch and The Used in Rach's living room
attempting to "mosh" with the Fabs in my living room
tight vintage T-Shirts
guys wearing tight vintage T-Shirts
AIM (sad, I know.)
the library
the counters at Ben and Jerry's
Alex kissing my forehead
falling asleep next to Alex
chemistry and algebra
Fab 4 sleepovers (especially at Jennah's)
going to The Springs in Erin's grandma's neighborhood with the Fabs and sitting on the floating deck with them
when Matt has a girlfriend..because he's sensitive and nice ; )
making people smile (especially Clint..because he hardly ever smiles)
Mishel's confidence in himself
classes at Lisa Maile
looking at stars
going to the beach with the Fabs (even though I hate the beach)
laying in the sun (even though I hate getting a tan)

and I know there's many more, but I ran out of room on my paper and um, yea. talking to Alex now..he's probably mad at me. hm. I love him. I'm excitied for party on Saturday...: ) but very very very very very sad that Chris can't go : ( I didn;t forget, I swear!

I love you guys.

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haha, 01-19-04 3:01pm

wow shannon! i love you so much. i think its funny how you put how you love laying in the sun at the beach with the Fabs but you hate getting a "tan" when you don't get tan. you get sunburned! you never get tan!
i love you -erin jo

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