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linkedfantasy (profile) wrote,
on 1-8-2004 at 9:47pm
Current mood: apathetic
Music: AAR Album: The Last Song
Subject: if love is supposed to set you free..... then why do you feel confined to the one person you want to be with?
A new journal.... a new theme. I constantly find myself trying to figure out some of the most baffiling things in life. Like why are people so into labeling? You want to become something eventually..... it just must be the threads of fate that the future composes for us.....
my friend jordyn is walking home with me tomorrow. trying to see all my frineds before this earth comes to and end. stupid companies draining our oxgen supply by cutting down our lifelines.... and everyone draining the earth of natural resources..... nothing makes sense. if it hurts us, why do they do it? it makes me laugh at how mankind can be so ignorant toward nature.
well.... another day has passed, maybe another comes tomorrow. i'll keep you posted on my hopeless and meaningless opinions about this doomed Earth....

forever and today
-robert.......can't anyone save me from the eternal pit i fall into?
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hey, 01-08-04 10:11pm

hey i wanna come to ur house! but i cant tomorrow i gotta go to naples...ugh lol but anyways i like ur new journal...not as dark as u say wow i hate school ok well maybe i can go to ur house next week or sumthin or u know i could meet u at walgreens..its only a few miles now! ok gotta go........natalie

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01-13-04 4:10pm

you keep getting more depressed and whiney. something tells me it's just for attention.........

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Re:, 01-14-04 8:34am

what the hell is your problem? this is me, how am i being "whiney?" you probably don't even know me then or what my life is like. and stop trying to be afraid and leave ur name.

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