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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-9-2004 at 9:35pm
Current mood: Meish
Music: TV in the background
Subject: Life.
Guys I gotta' tell ya' I am having one of those reflecting days. A day that so well goes w/ poems like "Sonnet 30" and "The Road Not Taken". It really does. You see I was up in my room looking through a photo album that my grandma gave me for Christmas which is filled w/ pictures of steph in band and me playing softball and awards night last year... just tonz of awesome memories. While looking through it I started to miss the times that I had last year and earlier this year. So I decided that I would make a list of some of the best times from 8th grade and so far in 9th grade. But before I do so I have to tell you that Sam Gould is right, though we all express ourselfs in our journals don't let what you say in vain here effect your attitude towardpeople in school or in extra curriculars... it's just not worth it.
Anyway... on to the list!!

My Favorite Memories!!
-Lightbulb (that was hilarious)
-Cedar Point
-Last years Collage concert
-Awards night in 8th grade
-Shaner League Softball (except one specific game but these are suppose to be GOOD memories so we'll forget that!)
-Northview league softball (Go Coach Smithy!!)
-The first day of school this year.
-The 8th grade dance
-Football games
-new friends coming and mixing w/ old ones
-dances after football games
-Pithching camp w/ my favorite Kitty (hehe)
-meeting my lovely new friend Robert
-bowling w/ my core last year
-making fun of Rouse and VanHamburger
-becoming Cupcake Hitler ;)
-pretty much anytime when all the fun people ride the bus
-tennis season
-riding the heated and airconditioned short bus!!
-learning to play euchre (finally!!)
-playing phase 10 during biology
-smilie faces on our faces at C.P. last year
-Adam's pool partys
-the lake at Larissa and Ariana's
-tassel fights at work
-getting to know "preps" who work w/ me and actually liking them!
-the Jenison show for Steph when she and Ellie dragged me (literally) over and made me sit by the band people.
-Meeting Jake... I like having a guy friend
-becoming a tad more rebellious
-Cherie's mom having little Joshy
-Getting my Falcon
-but mostly moments w/ my friends that will be forever inbedded in my head because of the wonderful things that have happened.

Mucho amor, rock on.
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01-09-04 10:39pm

Oh but you forgot one, Ben..

That time I kicked you in the balls.
I'm sure that's a good memory ;)
Sorry about that, again.

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01-09-04 10:40pm

hahahah... for some reason I thought this was Ben's journal.

*feels dumb*


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01-09-04 10:44pm

I think it was because you put your subject as "Life" and Ben always does.

Okay, I'm done commenting now, because I'm just making even more of an ass out of myself.

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he he, 01-10-04 1:50pm

the short bus was awesome!! and our team was the only one who rode a short bus. lol ah the memories, Sloth

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